Research under Construction: Sights and Sounds of the Crisis
Gallery Errant Bodies
Kollwitzstraße 97
10435 Berlin
November 13-30, 2012
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 13:00-19:00 and by appointment:
Jeremy Woodruff (jeremy@neuemusikschule-berlin.de)
Gallery Opening on November 12, 2012 at 20:30.
Research under Construction: Sights and Sounds of the Crisis presents a glimpse into the methodological practices developed by students participating in a graduate
research seminar at the Institute for European Ethnology of Humboldt
University in Berlin.
We, the students in the course, are currently pursuing a multi-sited
ethnographic study of the global economic crisis by using audio and visual
media to document its sounds and sights, respectively. We began our
investigations in April 2012 with the questions "what does the crisis sound
like?" and "what does the crisis look like?"
From there, we set off in different directions, hoping to understand the various
natures of the many crises that govern us today. Alone and in small groups, we
conducted specific ethnographic inquiries into the crisis at various locations
throughout Berlin, Europe and its borders, and North America.
In this exhibit, we hope to momentarily shift the focus of our analysis back
to our research practices and methodology. By displaying our unfinished
and raw audio, video, and textual materials in this forum, we hope to gain
non-academic perspectives on our work and to create a new space for
collaboration, exchange, and feedback within the exhibit room.
Visitors are encouraged to interact with the sights and sounds on display and to
write their reactions down on the paper provided.