Jede Investigation ist einem, oder teilweise mehreren Clustern zugeteilt. Die Cluster umfassen dabei Investigationen, die sich inhaltlich mit ähnlichen Forschungsschwerpunkten und Fragen beschäftigen. Sie dienen in erster Linie zur Strukturierung der Investigationen und zum inhaltlichen, methodischen und theoretischen Austausch der Forschungsgruppen untereinander.


Affect & Performance

Investigations within this cluster are concerned with questions about affect and performance, such as:
What do expressions of the crisis look like? What does the crisis feel like?

Commons - Food, Knowledge, Technology

Investigations within this cluster are concerned with the ways in which the crisis has affected the commons - the resources that we all share.

Migration & Racism

This cluster is concerned with the effects of the crisis on migration, racism, and anti-racist movements throughout Europe.


This cluster is concerned with protests in the crisis: what do they look and sound like, how to they operate transnationally, and what motivates them?
